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Upscaling Roma Platform 2018-2019

The objective of the Upscaling the Roma Platform project was to promote the visibility of the new National Policy on Roma (ROMPO2) programme at the regional and local level. The project developed cooperation networks between Roma people and authorities. Based on the national programme, the cooperation networks were encouraged to draft a separate region-specific Roma integration strategy for each region (MAARO programmes).

In addition, Upscaling the Roma Platform project aimed to advance the participation and influencing opportunities of Roma youth, and to continue the work on gender equality that began during the previous project. The project published newsletters about its events on this website.

Regional Events

Upscaling the Roma Platform project aimed to expand the regional networks created during the previous project by bringing together new stakeholders. The project organised three local MAARO events, which aim to bring together Roma people and representatives from municipalities, regions and cities to discuss the local needs of the Roma population. The word MAARO, which means ‘bread’ in the Roma language, refers in this case to the region-specific Roma policy programmes that were encouraged based on the outcomes of the regional events.

MAARO events were held in Rovaniemi, Pori and Tampere. They attracted 74 people in all, including Roma activists, workers from the national and regional Advisory Boards on Romani Affairs, and representatives of local Roma organisations and regional and local government authorities. Facilitation and visual reporting were provided by Monkey Business. Below you can find the summaries of the events (in Finnish).

Rovaniemen maakunnallinen tilaisuus 1.12.2018 kooste

Porin maakunnallinen tilaisuus 29.1.2019 kooste

Tampereen maakunnallinen tilaisuus 12.2.2019 kooste

Finland's National Roma Policy (2018-2022) is now available in English. Below you can find a permanent link.

National Roma Policy (ROMPO)

The MAARO-guide is intened for local and regional actors to support the local implementation of the National Roma Policy. Below you can find a permanent link to the guide.

Guide for planning the regional and local implementation of the Finnish Roma integration strategy (MAARO-plan) 

National Meeting of Roma Women

A national meeting of Roma women was held in Jyväskylä in early February 2019. The day’s themes were health, wellbeing and making a difference in society. Experts on these fields gave presentations, and the topics were then discussed in groups. The event attracted 27 participants across Finland. Among the attendees were representatives from a variety of organisations and projects.

Summary of Roma women's meeting (in Finnish).

Me - changemaker? Workshops with Roma Youth

The objective of the workshops was to collect young people’s opinions, ideas and experiences regarding influencing, and to develop their awareness of their own opportunities to make a difference, both as individuals and as a community. The fundamental premise of the work-shops was to make young people’s voice heard and to strengthen their inclusion in society. Workshops were facilitated by Academy of Youth and materials produced by Luovi vocational college.

The workshops were held in Nurmijärvi, Kauhajoki and Iisalmi in spring 2019. The total number of participants was 77, including 40 young Roma between the ages of 13 and 29. Local Roma and Roma organisations participated in organising the events. 

Report of workshops by Nuorten Akatemia (in Finnish)


You will find Upscaling the Roma Platform newsletters 1 to 3 below in Finnish, English, Swedish and Romani.

Newsletter 1: Series of regional events begins in Rovaniemi, spring 2019 events to cover a variety of themes, topical publications.

Sanoista tekoihin 2 uutiskirje 1/2018

Upscaling Roma Platform Newsletter 1/2018

Från Ord till Handling Nyhetsbrev 1/2018

Laavenna aro tšeeribi 2 Neebosko liin 1/2018

Newsletter 2: MAARO events come to a close, Roma women meet in Jyväskylä, Me - changemaker events for Roma youth in spring 2019.

Uutiskirje 2, 1/2019

Newsletter 2, 1/2019

Nyhetsbrev 2, 1/2019

Neebosko liin 2, 1/2019

Newsletter 3: Workshops at three locations, preservation of Romani language and Roma culture is important.

Uutiskirje 3, 2/2019

Newsletter 3, 2/2019

Nyhetsbrev 3, 2/2019

Neebosko liin 3, 2/2019

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Contact information

Leea Rautanen-Muhli

Consulting officer

Ask me about: National Advisory Board on Roma Affairs

Sarita Friman
Consulting Officer, Project Manager
Ask me about: Building Roma platform -project and Roma policy in the EU

Nina Sundberg
Departmental Secretary
Ask me about: National Advisory Board on Roma Affairs, travel and finance management

All e-mail addresses are in the form of firstname.lastname(at)